Thursday, October 15, 2009

My first sale!

I made my first Etsy sale yesterday, so exciting!  It was actually a wine bag, which I started making as gift bags for the dolls but then thought they would make a good side project, plus a nice excuse to paint a little.

It really is a lot of work figuring out how Etsy works.  The tagging, the listing, the shipping, etc.  Very cool and really exciting though.  I didn't realize how many great tools there are for checking stats.  Here are some great ones:

However, it's been hard getting new things done in the meantime.  Tonight I'll be working on new pics of existing dolls (I finally read through my camera manual and figured out how to adjust the white balance) and  on finishing four girls that just need shoes and shirts.  I'm also working on a doll for my psuedo niece that I'd like to have shipped off for her this weekend.  I had a hard time finding the right colored plaid, so I'm dyeing the undershirt to sort of liven it up.  Some samples:

And finally, I'd really like to finish the two witches by next week, seeing as it is almost Halloween.  That really is hard to believe.  I feel like summer just started yesterday.
Almost Finished:

And I almost forgot, I also need to reorganize the loft:

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