January is, and has been since I was old enough to have to go back to school after Christmas break, my least favorite month of the year. The holidays are over, the days are short and it's cold. That being said, it's a fantastic time to clean and reorganize. So we've spent the last 3 days cleaning out cabinets I forgot were there, and a fortune at target on organizers. So by February were hoping to run like a well oiled machine here at B & B, something that couldn't have been further from the truth the end of 2010 :). We scrambled through it, and a big thank you to all of our customers who made it a successful year for us.
We re in the design stage of some awesome beach bags, and hopefully a whole line of totes to be listed by April. (Think circus and vintage fairy tale.)
Recap of 2010:
Ran my first marathon.
Barnacle got 3 stitches in his tongue (won t even tell you what that cost, you wouldn't believe it.)
Designed our first Halloween line.
Had a blast doing custom big stockings for some really fun customers.
Got an iPhone!!!!
I'm going to post some pics of our favorite items from 2010 in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks again to all of our customers!
2 Black(ish) Owls
19 hours ago
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