Soon To Be Embroidered Pockets!
I finally got to work on the girls' clothes yesterday. It's been really hot in the loft and I find it hard to concentrate anywhere else if anyone's home. I realize how lame it is to complain about heat in San Diego. I'm from the hottest place on Earth (okay, maybe just the US) for cryin out loud. However, the highest room in the house, lots of west facing windows, no AC, and no breeze makes for a hot day in the studio. Okay, done with the excuses. Moving on.
So E had a great idea for the short felt haired dolls. Surfer Beanies! I spent a little while yesterday trying to figure out the best way to do this without actually having to crochet or knit them. (I'm having a hard time recalling how to crochet, my great grandma was amazing but I haven't done it since the last time I made Barbie bikinis at about 11.) I'm trying to learn how to knit, but have found it kind of frustrating. So I just used some knit fabric and I think it actually came out pretty nice. I'm working on doll jeans with fun embroidered pockets. The jeans are taking a while because the dolls don't really have any booty, but need a slightly curved inseam, and they're being really picky about the fit. I guess jeans are never easy for anyone.=(
I've been sidetracked by cooking this week. I don't know why I always get a weird cooking fetish during a heatwave, but it kind of happens a lot. Last night was Shrimp & Scallop linguine (I substituted scallops for clams and linguine for spaghetti.) I'd never made it before but was really easy. Love the food network site, the reviews seem to be pretty reliable.
I get to leave work early tomorrow, our office is going to the Del Mar races to celebrate the 5 year anniversary. I however, am not going because it's the last weekend at the Halloween Store before the Grand Opening. It's incredible this year. I think we're all really proud to have been a part of it. So I'll spend this weekend sewing pirate skeleton costumes and distressing said skeletons along with various other macabre tasks. I'm hoping I can post some pics soon.
In the meantime, some progress pics of Short Haired Surfers!
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