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New Dolls! I've gone a little plaid crazy, I've never really been unordinarily drawn to plaid, but there's something about it on the doll clothes that's so sophisticated and amusingly absurd that it makes me really happy. That and I love the colors. You can find almost any combination of complementary colors in a plaid, and somehow they look chic. It's really fun to make the outerwear, then pick a couple of colors out of the pattern that seem so wrong, yet somehow they work when layered underneath. So there will be more plaid girls to come.Okay, so I've pushed my etsy deadline back soooo many times now. It's like construction. Take the deadline, then mutliply the amount of time by at least two. My first deadline to list was August 1, that seems hilarious now. Of course, Halloween ate up most of July, but we got to do some really cool stuff so it was worth it.
Regardless, my goal to start listing is now October 3. Last weekend I took Monday off of work, Erik went fishing so I had the house mostly to myself, and believe it or not actually got a lot done. My last tasks for these week are to figure out how to make doll boots, finish some sandals, clean up a few loose ends, make up some gift tags, screen images onto the bags and sew them up. I have all the silkscreen transfers ready, I'm hoping Erik will show me how to make the screens tonight. The bags are fairly easy to sew, they take a little time, but I think if I make a bunch at once I should be able to get quite few done in a short amount of time.
Last week I got all the boring business stuff done, license, permit, etc. etc. So all is official now.
I have this weekend off, I'm hoping to get the dolls listed Saturday morning, afternoon at the latest. Then hopefully I can work on some napkins and bags on Sunday.