Wow, last week was insane. Family is back home, Barney is a million times better since he got his new medicine and we switched food (I wish I would have known how important premium dog food was sooner), and I took the afternoon off on Thursday to work on dolls! (Had to make a hair appt. though, which cuts in on my time and is really irritating because I hate getting my hair done, but my roots are looking pretty bad and we have a big family birthday party on Friday. But I should still fit in a lot more time than last week.)
Anyway, spent all weekend at the Halloween store, which is going to be incredible this year. I could have the weirdest resume ever. This weekend I:
Distressed skeletons
Sewed Wednesday Adams look alike dresses
Painted a 4x 8 foot haunted house mural
Painted tile for a scary dentist's office
Painted tile for a fortune teller's room
Sewed and painted numerous other deranged projects
Loved every minute of it though. I do miss painting every day.
I started my online accounting class today. I'm hoping by January I can start picking up bookkeeping jobs. I think it'd be a great way to make more money in less time, hence more art/craft time, which is my main goal right now.
I will definitely have progess pics of the witches by tomorrow. For now, an inspirational pic (from Vogue) I'm thinking about for dolls.
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