I finally made some progress this weekend, and even managed to work in a few hours carousing on bikes at the beach!
Small Surfer Girl finally has a face, and Naked Surfer Girl is now Big Green Surfer Girl. I'm going back and forth on naming them. I'm kind of against it because names have very different, sometimes very strong connotations for different people, and these will hopefully have new owners some day and should represent who they think they are. I feel like my input should be complete with the actual physical creation. I felt the same way about painting in school. We would have to stand before our peers and discuss what the painting meant, what we were trying to say. A few years after I graduated I finally realized why I had such a hard time with it. The whole point (to me at least) in making a painting is that you can't get across with words what you can in the painting. Otherwise you'd write a book. I feel a sort of watered down version of this with the dolls. My meaning, what I'm trying to get across about this personality, is accomplished through the use of fabric and color, clothing style, expression, hair, and the purely physical aspects of it. Paintings, dolls, songs, what one means to one person means something very different to the other. That's why so many people can identify with them. Anyway, I guess I've decided my stance on doll naming. Off my soapbox!
2 Black(ish) Owls
18 hours ago
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