Wow, Halloween is in full swing at our house. I almost took some pics of the craziness, but there was no way I was going to publicize that. I honestly was worried that someone at Hoarders would be calling.
So, instead, here's a big group of ghosties in progress.
So I think I'm going to attempt to start doing some regular posting. So how about a Thrifty Thursday post? Kind of lame, but hey, I've learned a lot in the past year, a ton of it from other bloggers sharing tips so I guess I should start sharing the wealth, right?
This ones local, but you can probably scout out something similar in your area. Wednesday is now my favorite day of the week, and yes, I'm a weirdo, but here's why: Half off all clothing at the Salvation Army. This is where I get nearly all of my stocking fabric. I come from a long line of junk collectors. My grandma actually remembers scouring local dumping grounds for treasures with my great grandpa. He would take things home, clean them up and create things like fishing lures and walking sticks. I was about 3 years old when he passed away, but I can vividly remember walking through mazes of tables showcasing his finds, organized into categories only he could decipher. It was the coolest thing.
Anyway, that being said, the hoarding instinct thankfully dwindled to controllable in my case, but I LOVE looking through peoples stuff. Estate sales, yard sales, thrift stores.... I love that something has a story to it before you even begin, it makes it a lot more interesting. When I was in school, blank canvases would really freak me out. There was something foreboding about them, and honestly I kind of still find painting a little stressful. But when I start with something that was found, it's totally different. Instead of creating something, I'm kind of just exemplifying it, taking something that someone didn't appreciate it and making it beautiful, in a way rescuing it. And I don't get the blank canvas freak out.

That's what I love about the stockings. So, check out your local salvation army or whatever thrift store is close to you and see if they have a half off day. I SCORED yesterday. So today I'm off to reorganize the whole studio so stockings will be ready to go. I can't wait to start listing my new finds!
Lastly, I'm working on a couple of new Halloween items that I should have listed by Saturday. Mini sculpey pumpkins, Boo Block & Ghostie sets, scarecrows and a bride & groom ghostie. Check out the store if you get a chance!
And here's a peak of some new Christmas items: