Everything's been a little nuts because November is always crazy for us. We don't go anywhere all year, but somehow we're always gone almost all of November. So vacation's are now officially over and it's time to get to work! Vacation was great, but it's actually kind of exciting to focus on getting things done.
We found probably one of my favorite stores ever while in the Ballard area of Seattle. If you get a chance, go to
this store. The best collection of Christmas ornaments I've ever seen. I could've been in there for hours. I'm not really a HUGE Christmas nut, but I do really love the Christmas season, especially the decorations, the scents, the drinks and food. However, I cannot stand Christmas music. I think it started especially early this year. Kind of weird, but then, I guess I'm kind of weird.=)
I've been really fortunate and am staying busy making stockings. I'm out to the Salvation Army tonight after work to pick out some sweaters for a new batch. I had no idea these were going to be so much fun to make. Picking out the sweaters is one of the best parts. A lot of them are really kind of hideous when looked at as a sweater, but are fantastic as a stocking. It's like going yard sale-ing, it's the thrill of the hunt.=)
I'm really excited about my new project. I'm working on some clothespin girls that are actually made out of the stocking scraps. I have one almost complete, I'm hoping to have a few listed on etsy by this weekend. I had a little trouble gettting the faces worked out and for whatever reason couldn't figure out how to make a good paper cone. Seriously? It's like the easiest thing to do ever, I remember making them in like 2nd grade, but could not figure it out, to the point that I had to google it. Anyway, finally got it and should have some done by Sunday.
We also have a suprise Christmas present that we're super excited about but can't post yet. It's nice how as you get older it really does become more about giving then receiving.