There's been a serious lack of posting the past couple weeks. I was considerably lucky the week before I left for the honeymoon in that the Craft Fair was a "great success" in Borat terms, and the nice people at Etsy put me on 2 gift guides which is so awesome and finally got my sales into the double digits. I think I slept about 10 hours all week. Then we left for the Honeymoon on Thursday night.
Since last year they've added free WiFi, so I've been able to check on things which is totally fine since the husband is surfing all morning anyway. We've made a couple of trips to Barnes & Noble, had a really nice day laying out an reading, and yesterday hiked a new trail they built along the coast. It happened to be a little longer of a trail than we thought, and it also happens to be pretty windy and rainy up north, and we got caught in an almost torrential downpour. No problem, we warmed up by getting in the water at the beach at the end of the trail. Seriously, the water is that warm this year. I was in serious need of a burger (I only eat burgers about once every year or two. The last time was when we ran the Rock & Roll marathon. When I need one, I need one.) We found the only place around that was open, and got some apps and aforementioned burger, then decided to run all the way back. A serious adventure, but that has been an integral part of our relationship from the beginning. We really should try out for the Amazing Race.
So things are great here. It's already halfway over, I can't believe it. Then we go home for 4 days, and off to the Pacific Northwest for Thanksgiving, always a fun trip. Then it's back to serious work. I'm going to try to get as much done as possible the first week of December seeing as USPS first class Christmas deadline is Dec. 11. I'm hoping to have a few more designs/products up by Dec. 6. Aloha!